Monday, August 24, 2020
Data Analysis of American House Price Essay Example
Information Analysis of American House Price Essay 1. Terms of Reference This report is the result of an examination and examination of American house cost so as to consider which factor impact the cost. It is submitted as my task for Essential Data Analysis module on the Business Studies Program. 2. Official Summary The information was examined utilizing the product Minitab ver. 14. This program is exceptionally helpful for breaking down large informational collection quicker and simpler. Through Minitab were made a diagram for each mentioned point. All together o make the chart progressively justifiable, it is furnished a table with the more applicable measurement data. This permits an increasingly exhaustive and justifiable perusing of the report and a simpler and progressively effective correlation among at least 2 factors so as to make an appropriate investigation. Connection and Regression investigation was applied so as to build up the connection between the cost with the size and the separation to the closest enormous town. We will compose a custom exposition test on Data Analysis of American House Price explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Data Analysis of American House Price explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Data Analysis of American House Price explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The informational index given as an example to examine contain information gathered of 100 houses in America from 5 distinctive township numbered from 1 to 5. Each house is portrayed by its value, size, number of rooms and washrooms, on the off chance that it has or nor a pool and a carport, the good ways from the closest enormous town, how alluring it is (size of significant worth among 1 = truly unwanted to 7 = generally attractive), the township of having a place and its age. The point of this report is to survey and assess the dissemination of house cost in America in the 5 townships utilized as test. An end is given to sum up all the discoveries, understandings and clarifications followed by reasonable proposals. This report should assist a speculator with having an all the more away from of which calculate take thought before purchasing a house. 3. Presentation House and properties are ones of the fixed resources that have appeared to have an expanding pattern of significant worth. Consistently house costs in America increment with the swelling and increase significantly more worth. The equivalent applies worldwide to the greater part of the house estimations. As the estimation of houses will in general increment extra time, many individuals have chosen to put resources into properties. Be that as it may, there are more factors to mull over before purchasing a house so as to assess in the event that it worth the cash asked available and on the off chance that it will keep and increment its worth. 4. Measurable Analysis: Findings The Findings of the report has been plunged into 3 sections: a. The general appropriation of the house costs in the overview; this consider all the house cost inside the 5 township without recognizing for some other factor, for example, rooms and washrooms number or size. b. An assessment of the extent of the houses with a pool. This extent was then researched comparable to the carport and in the 5 townships. c. An examination of potential components influencing the cost, for example, the nearness of a pool, the relationship with its size, the chance of a connection with the attractive quality and the separation to the closest enormous town. 4.1 Overall Distribution of the house cost By lLooking at Graph 1 apparently the general circulation is even. This is affirmed by contrasting the estimation of the mean and the middle: as the two figures have around a similar worth, it infers that the appropriation is generally even. The mean is the aggregate of all qualities separated by the datea set, 100. The conveyance of house cost differs between a base estimation of $127,70 and a limit of $284,00 with a scope of $156,30. In any case, 25% of the houses have a cost between the base estimation of $127,70 and the estimation of the primary quartile $179,93. 25% of the houses have an incentive between the third quartile $221,15 and the most extreme worth $284,00. The chart obviously shows that there is a higher centralization of houses with a cost between Q1 ($127,70) and Q3 ($221,15). These speak to half of the general circulation. The estimation of the standard deviation demonstrates how spread are the information is spread in regard to the mean. 4.2 Examination of house with a pool As appeared in the Graph 2 above, 55% of the houses (that speak to 55 out of 100 houses in the informational index given) have a pool. In the Minitab yield the rate equivalent the forget about in light of the fact that it is of an example of 100. Subsequently, 45% of the houses examined doesn't have a pool. The Graph 3 shows the extent of the houses with a pool and a carport. By taking a gander at the table plainly most of the houses with a pool have additionally a carport, with 58,18% (32 out of 55 houses with a pool); while 41,82% (23 out of 55) houses with a pool don't have a carport. Notwithstanding, for houses without a pool, the extent of houses without a carport is higher than houses with a pool where 82,22% (37 out of 45 houses) don't have a pool nor a carport. It is obvious from Graph 4 that the extent of the houses with a pool isn't the equivalent in all the 5 townships. In township 5, all the houses (100%) have a pool; trailed by township 4 with a 94,4% of the houses. On the other outrageous there is township 1 with just 13,33% (2 out of 15 houses) have a pool, trailed by township 2 with 22,22% (6 out of 27 houses). As table 4 shows the extent of houses with a pool are in climbing request with the quantity of township: township 1 has the least rate and township 5 has the most noteworthy. This could be an incident. In any case, on the general appropriation, township 4 has the most noteworthy level of houses with a pool, with 32,73% (18 out of 55 complete houses with a pool). 4.3 Investigation of Factors influencing the house cost The crate plot plainly shows that the general dispersion of the cost for the houses with a pool is higher than houses without a pool. By looking at the information from table 5 plainly all the qualities comparative with the appropriation (mean, middle, min, first quartile, third quartile and most extreme) for houses with a pool are higher. This prompts express that the houses with a pool are commonly increasingly costly that houses without. Additionally, by looking at the mean and the middle an incentive for the two gatherings, it is conceivable to recognize that the appropriation for the houses without a pool is slanted to one side or adversely slanted. This demonstrates there are a couple of outrageous low qualities that pull down the estimation of the mean. In any case, the * demonstrates that there is additionally an extraordinary high estimation of $250,20. By contrasting at similarly the houses with a pool it rises that the circulation is generally balanced on the grounds that the estimation of the mean and the middle are close. Another significant thought about the conveyance is given by the quartiles that in the diagram are spoken to by the lower and higher constraints of the cases. The first quartile of the houses with a pool ($195,90) is higher than the third quartile of houses without a pool ($192,05). This infers 75% of houses without a pool haves costs like the most minimal 25% of houses with a pool. Be that as it may, the standard deviation quantifies how spread the informational collection is. The houses with a pool have a better quality deviation, which impliesy that they have an increasingly factor set in which each worth is progressively far off to one another and to the mean while they are somewhat more concentrate for the houses without a pool. By looking at the estimations of the range and between quartile go in connection with the standard deviation, plainly the houses with a pool have a higher scattering in cost and the costs are more spread out than houses without a pool. The dissipate plot in diagram 6 gives a sign that there is a connection between the house cost and the size of the house. The upward pattern demonstrates that there is a positive straight relationship as the two factors are moving a similar way: when the size ascents, the value ascends too. For this situation it worth to keep exploring the relationship. In any case, the fact of the matter are dissipated extensively, so it is important to break down the estimation of r so as to decide how solid the relationship is. The connection coefficient (0,65) demonstrates that there is a positive (offered by the hint +) relationship, and not solid given by the worth being lower than 0,8. The relapse condition is Price = - 11,1 + 0,0979 * sqrFt Be that as it may, the estimation of the capture isn't measurably important. This is given by the worth T being - 0,44 and furthermore in light of the fact that coherently a house cost can't be negative. Despite this, the model is still acceptable in light of the fact that the worth T of the inclination (or slop) is factually critical as T = 8,46. In any case, the incline is exceptionally low and it demonstrates in augmentation of $0,0979 for every extra sqrFt. The estimation of R-Sq recommends that lone 42.2% of the house costs are clarified by the size. This suggests there are other progressively noteworthy variables that clarify the adjustments in cost. By eye it is additionally conceivable to evaluate that the houses with a square feeootage somewhere in the range of 1900sqrFt and 2300sqrFt are increasingly visit. Notwithstanding, consider that this diagram takes in thought the houses over the 5 townships with or without pool and with various quantities of rooms and restrooms numbers. The disperse plot shows the connection between the house cost and the separation to the closest huge town. It entirely outlines that there isn't a connection between the two factors. This is affirmed by the connection coefficient equivalent to 0,042. Besides, as it is clarified by the R-sq esteem, just 0,2% of the house cost is identified with this relationship. It isn't important to proceed with this inv
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Class Without A Teacher Essay
One of the most anticipated second in school life-Absence of an educator in class. This is the point at which a study hall can change into a parliament, wilderness, advertise or even a blend of everything! Tattle, food, underhandedness, chuckling and wildness overrule books, law, control and quiet. The absolute best time to unwind and appreciate and practice our entitlement to opportunity of all that we can consider. Creatures understudies, our prime rationale is to disrupt norms, have a fabulous time and appreciate the great recollections as opposed to crying over terrible occasions, standing school rules, remain numb and work like robots. When an educator enters the study hall, we discover quiet at its immaculateness and everybody is occupied with their alloted work. Be that as it may, all things considered, understudies are understudies and once the instructor leaves, will their actual characters be uncovered. Educating by video conferencing makes a homeroom without physical nearn ess of instructor. This sort of headway in instructing gradually limits the individual consideration and intelligent nature of instructor. Presently, weââ¬â¢re concentrated on giving educators the help they have to exceed expectations in the homeroom. That help should come in numerous structures, including individualized proficient turn of events, bleeding edge instructive innovation and best in class exercise plans. Something I hear frequently when I converse with educators is that theyââ¬â¢re energetic for additional odds to cooperate, to gain from one another. New educators need standard access to associates with experience who can assist them with developing into the calling. Experienced instructors, in like manner, need to become pioneers in their schools by tutoring new educators. I was as of late conversing with educators in Denver, an imaginative school region that is attempting some new methodologies. They disclosed to me probably the best change is another accentuation to work in gatherings. They said the soul of the coordinated effort helps them to remember why they became educators in any case. Maybe above all, educators must have a voice in making the eventual fate of instructing. They have an extraordinary comprehension of where their calling needs to go and what they have to accomplish their best work for understudies. We have a commitment to profit by their insight. That is the reason all the work we do at the establishment is in association with educators.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Side Effects of Thorazine for Bipolar Disorder
Side Effects of Thorazine for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Treatment Medications Print Thorazine Side Effects With Bipolar Disorder By Marcia Purse Marcia Purse is a mental health writer and bipolar disorder advocate who brings strong research skills and personal experiences to her writing. Learn about our editorial policy Marcia Purse Updated on November 24, 2019 Bipolar Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Your Rights Seb Oliver/Cultura/Getty Images If you or a loved one has bipolar disorder, your doctor may have mentioned Thorazine to you as a possible medication option. Thorazine, generic name Chlorpromazine, is an antipsychotic drug that is prescribed for the treatment of the bipolar disorder, as well as for schizophrenia and other disorders involving psychotic symptoms. In people with bipolar disorder, Thorazine is often prescribed to treat the symptoms of mania, which include agitation, aggression, and impulsivityâ"as well as the symptoms of psychosis, such as grandiose delusions or paranoia. Antipsychotic medications such as Thorazine, an older drug, as well as some of the newer antipsychotics, can be life-saving for people with bipolar disorder. For these people, the benefits of these drugs typically outweigh their risks. Here are some of the reported side effects of Thorazine. Common Side Effects Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome: Constipationdecreased sweatingdizzinessdrowsinessdryness of mouthnasal congestion Less Common Side Effects Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome: Changes in menstrual perioddecreased sexual abilityincreased sensitivity of skin to sunlight (skin rash, itching, redness or other discoloration of skin, or severe sunburn)swelling or pain in breastsunusual secretion of milkweight gain (unusual) SPECIAL WARNING: Along with their needed effects, phenothiazines can sometimes cause serious side effects. Tardive dyskinesia (a movement disorder) may occur and may not go away after you stop using the medicine. Signs of tardive dyskinesia include fine, worm-like movements of the tongue, or other uncontrolled movements of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, jaw, or arms and legs. Other serious but rare side effects may also occur. These include severe muscle stiffness, fever, unusual tiredness or weakness, fast heartbeat, difficulty breathing, increased sweating, loss of bladder control, and seizures (neuroleptic malignant syndrome). You and your doctor should discuss the good this medicine will do as well as the risks of taking it. Notify Your Doctor Immediately More Common: Lip-smacking or puckering; puffing of cheeks; rapid or fine, worm-like movements of tongue; uncontrolled chewing movements; uncontrolled movements of arms or legs Rare: Convulsions (seizures); difficult or fast breathing; fast heartbeat or irregular pulse; fever; high or low blood pressure; increased sweating; loss of bladder control; muscle stiffness (severe); unusually pale skin; unusual tiredness or weakness Notify Your Doctor as Soon as Possible More common: Blurred vision, change in color vision, or difficulty in seeing at night; difficulty in speaking or swallowing; fainting; inability to move eyes; loss of balance control; mask-like face; muscle spasms (especially of face, neck, and back); restlessness or need to keep moving; shuffling walk; stiffness of arms or legs; tic-like or twitching movements; trembling and shaking of hands and fingers; twisting movements of body; weakness of arms and legs Less Common: Difficulty in urinating; skin rash; sunburn (severe) Rare: Abdominal or stomach pains; aching muscles and joints; confusion; fever and chills; hot, dry skin or lack of sweating; muscle weakness; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea; painful, inappropriate penile erection (continuing); skin discoloration (tan or blue-gray); skin itching (severe); sore throat and fever; unusual bleeding or bruising; yellow eyes or skin Withdrawal Side Effects Dizziness, nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, trembling of the fingers and hands, or any of the following symptoms of tardive dyskinesia: Lip-smacking or puckering; puffing of cheeks; rapid or fine, worm-like movements of tongue; uncontrolled chewing movements; uncontrolled movements of arms or legs Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor.
Friday, May 22, 2020
America Needs Affirmative Action Essay - 1384 Words
Discrimination against race, gender, religion, or other social characteristics is occurring in all parts of the United States almost every day. Unfortunately, the U.S. has a history of extreme case of discrimination, which has evoked controversy and in worse cases, violence. To discourage any more of adverse discernment towards certain individuals, the Federal government has imposed legislation called affirmative action. According to At Issue: Affirmative Action, ââ¬Å"Affirmative action is designed to promote access to opportunities in education, employment, housing, and government contracts among certain designated groups, such as women and minoritiesââ¬Å" (At Issue). This law is necessary in todayââ¬â¢s society in order to maintain equality andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Companies and educational institutions greatly benefit from the guidelines of affirmative action because they profit from the different ideas, work styles, and contributions unique to each diverse individ ual. As quoted in Paul Connorsââ¬â¢s compilation, Affirmative Action, President of Columbia University, Lee Bollinger, addresses the importance of a diverse educational system by stating, ââ¬Å"The experience of arriving on a campus to live and study with classmates from a diverse range of backgrounds is essential to students training for this new world, nurturing in them an instinct to reach out instead of clinging to the comforts of what seems natural or familiarâ⬠(12-13). A statement by Southeastern Oklahoma State University further supports the idea that success in modern day society stems from diversity saying, ââ¬Å"Our country is strong because of the rich diversity of our culture, not in spite of itâ⬠(Affirmative Action). Not only does Affirmative action prevent discrimination, but also this legislation implemented by the national government can diversify and improve the overall well being of businesses and schools. Sometimes individuals of a minority group are rejected for a position or declined acceptance to a university not because they are inept, but due to outdated stereotypical assumptions that cause an employer or official to reconsider that person. The ideas behind affirmative action prevent unfair labeling from those whoseShow MoreRelatedAn Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It?1706 Words à |à 7 PagesDilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? An Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? Abstract This paper discusses the importance of affirmative action in todayââ¬â¢s society and the ethical role it plays when Employers and Universities are considering entry to their respected places of establishment. The paper will conclude with what America will face in the future in terms of affirmative action. An Ethical Dilemma: Affirmative Action, Do We Still Need It? 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In the 1940s: President Roosevelt signed an order making discrimination illegal in defense contracting. 1954: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separate but equal facilities on the basis of race were unconstitutionally discriminatory. The Act of 1964: CongressRead MoreThe Debate over Affirmative Action1307 Words à |à 5 Pagesdebate over affirmative action. Although the United States has made great strides in improving race relations over the past forty years, affirmative action continues to be one of the most controversial policies in America. It has rattle the halls of higher education. It has appeared on the steps of the Supreme Court. And it has divided not only different racial groups, but even members of a single racial group. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Levels Of Law Enforcement - 1190 Words
Since the beginning years of American history and basically every other country has been kept safe by the police or police type department. In the United States, there are three levels of law enforcement, there is the Federal level, the State level, and the Local level. The levels of law enforcement have various duties but most duties are very similar. Every day in the field is very different. The job can also be extremely stressful, and law enforcement professionals need specific training to succeed. A career in law enforcement is a secure job to have because crime never stops. What is law enforcement? It is a system where members of society perform in such manner to enforce laws by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing the members of society who violate the laws that protect society. In other words ââ¬Å"The generic name for the activities of the agencies responsible for maintaining public order and enforcing the law, particularly the activities of prevention, detec tion, and investigation of crime and the apprehension of criminalsâ⬠(BJS). Quick History In April of 1635, the City of Boston established the first system of law enforcement in the 13 colonies. They were called the ââ¬Å"Night Watchâ⬠, the officers worked part-time with no pay. It was until 1712 when the City of Boston hired its first paid full time law enforcement officer in the 13 colonies. On September 24, 1789 ââ¬Å"the United States Congress created the first Federal law enforcement officer, the UnitedShow MoreRelatedLaw Enforcement Officials At Multiple Levels860 Words à |à 4 Pages Serious misconduct amongst law enforcement officials at multiple levels has come to the forefront of pertinent issues facing the United States of America. 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An analysis of the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels will be assessed for similarity of leadership and differences. * According to Police Crunch (2012), To be an effective police/law enforcement officer, one must understand where we (law enforcement) has been, where society believes we are and what the heck is goingRead MoreOrganizational Management and Operations Essay1141 Words à |à 5 PagesHerring May 6, 2012 As of 2008, there are approximately 765,000 personnel employed as sworn officers in local and state law enforcement agencies throughout the United States (BJS, 2011) with an additional 105,000 law enforcement personnel in approximately 65 federal agencies as of 2004 (BJS, 2006). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Administrative Law Philippines Free Essays
string(105) " and make certain that they truly and accurately reflect their conclusions and their final dispositions\." 1. Administrative Findings Given Great Weight in Court Sebastian F. Oasay, Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on Administrative Law Philippines or any similar topic only for you Order Now vs. Palacio del Gobernador Condominium Corporation and Omar T. Cruz,à [G. R. No. 194306, February 6, 2012. ] LINK: http://lexoterica. wordpress. com/2012/03/05/february-2012-philippine-supreme-court-decisions-on-labor-law-and-procedure/ Appeal; factual finding of NLRC. Findings of fact of administrative agencies and quasi-judicial bodies, which have acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to specific matters, are generally accorded not only respect but finality when affirmed by the Court of Appeals. Factual findings of quasi-judicial bodies like the NLRC, if supported by substantial evidence, are accorded respect and even finality by the Supreme Court, more so when they coincide with those of the Labor Arbiter. Such factual findings are given more weight when the same are affirmed by the Court of Appeals. In the present case, the Supreme Court found no reason to depart from these principles since the Labor Arbiter found that there was substantial evidence to conclude that Oasay had breached the trust and confidence of Palacio Del Gobernador Condominium Corporation, which finding the NLRC had likewise upheld. Gatus vs. SSS [G. R. No. 174725, January 26, 2011] LINK: http://sc. judiciary. gov. ph/jurisprudence/2011/january2011/174725. htm The sole issue to be determined is whether the Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion in affirming the finding of the ECC that petitionerââ¬â¢s ailment is not compensable under Presidential Decree No. 626, as amended. xxx The burden of proof is thus on petitioner to show that any of the above conditions have been met in his case. The required proof is further discussed inà Ortega v. Social Security Commission[17]: The requisite quantum of proof in cases filed before administrative or quasi-judicial bodies is neither proof beyond reasonable doubt nor preponderance of evidence. In this type of cases, a fact may be deemed established if it is supported by substantial evidence, or that amount of relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a conclusion. In this case, substantial evidence abounds. xxx The questioned Decision deemed as established fact that petitioner is a cigarette smoker; but petitioner vehemently denies this, saying there is no competent evidence to prove he had that habit. What petitioner would like this Court to do is to pass upon a question of fact, which the ECC, the SSS, and the Court of Appeals have used to deny his claim for compensation. This is not allowed under Section 1 of Rule 45, which states that ââ¬Å"[t]he petition shall raiseà only questions of lawà which must be distinctly set forth. ââ¬Å"[21]à Hence, questions of fact may not be taken up in a petition for review onà certiorarià such as this case now before us. As we have held previously: A question of fact exists when the doubt centers on the truth or falsity of the alleged facts while a question of law exists if the doubt centers on what the law is on a certain set of facts. There is a question of fact if the issue requires a review of the evidence presented or requires the re-evaluation of the credibility of witnesses. However, if the issue raised is capable of being resolved without need of reviewing the probative value of the evidence, the question is one of law. xxx The matter of petitionerââ¬â¢s cigarette smoking, established by two competent government agencies and the appellate court, is thus a matter that cannot be questioned before us via petition for review. There is no doubt that petitioner deserves sympathy because even the benefits already given to him were questioned after the SSS found that he was a chronic cigarette smoker. For humanitarian reasons, as he pursued his claim all the way to the Court as an indigent litigant, and due to his advancing age, we would like to clarify that what had already been given him should no longer be taken away from him. But he is not entitled to further compensation for his condition. We have once more put great weight to the factual findings of administrative agencies and quasi-judicial bodies, namely the SSS and the ECC, as they have acquired expertise in all matters relating to employee compensation and disability benefits. As we have held inà Ortega v. Social Security Commission[25]: It is settled that the Court is not a trier of facts and accords great weight to the factual findings of lower courts or agencies whose function is to resolve factual matters. It is not for the Court to weigh evidence all over again. Moreover, findings of fact of administrative agencies and quasi-judicial bodies, which have acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to specific matters, are generally accorded not only respect but finality when affirmed by the Court of Appeals. 2. Decisions not stating facts and the law Saballa, et. al vs. NLRC [G. R. Nos. 102472-84. August 22, 1996] The Issue The petitioners raised the lone issue of whether or not: RESPONDENT NLRC GRAVELY ABUSED ITS DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION WHEN, DESPITE THE OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY, IT DECLARED THE RETRENCHMENT OF PETITIONERS VALID AND LEGAL. â⬠Petitioners argue that while theà NLRCà claimed to disagree with the factual findings/conclusions of the arbiter, it did not state what particular findings and conclusions it could not go along with; and while the Decision purports to apply the requisites for a valid retrenchment, the public respondent did not specify what those were. Further, citingà Lopez Sugar Corporation vs. Federation of Free Workers,[15]à petitioners claim that private respondent failed to show by convincing proof the concurrence of the requirements for valid retrenchment, and among other things, failed to show that the losses sought to be prevented were substantial and reasonably imminent. On the contrary, according to petitioners, the evidence on record clearly shows that the enforcement of the retrenchment program was attended by bad faith. The Courtââ¬â¢s Ruling NLRCà Decision Arbitrary The petition is meritorious. This Court has previously held that judges and arbiters should draw up their decisions and resolutions with due care, and make certain that they truly and accurately reflect their conclusions and their final dispositions. You read "Administrative Law Philippines" in category "Essay examples" [16]à A decision should faithfully comply with Section 14, Articleà VIIIà of the Constitution which provides that no decision shall be rendered by any court without expressing therein clearly and distinctly the facts of the case and the law on which it is based. If such decision had to be completely overturned or set aside, upon the filing of a motion for reconsideration, in a subsequent action via a resolution or modified decision, such resolution or decision should likewise state the factual and legal foundation relied upon. The reason for this is obvious:à à aside from being required by the Constitution, the court should be able to justify such a sudden change of course; it must be able to convincingly explain the taking back of its solemn conclusions and pronouncements in the earlier decision. 17]à The same thing goes for the findings of fact made by theà NLRC, as it is a settled rule that such findings are entitled to great respect and even finality when supported by substantial evidence; otherwise, they shall be struck down for being whimsical and capricious and arrived at with grave abuse of discretion. 18]à It is a requirement of due process and fair play that the parties to a litigation be informed of how it was decided, w ith an explanation of the factual and legal reasons that led to the conclusions of the court. A decision that does not clearly and distinctly state the facts and the law on which it is based leaves the parties in the dark as to how it was reached and is especially prejudicial to the losing party, who is unable to pinpoint the possible errors of the court for review by a higher tribunal. 19] Based on the foregoing considerations, we find the assailed Decision arbitrary in its naked assertion that:à à ââ¬Å"(A)pplying the requisites (for valid retrenchment) to the instant case, we lent credence to respondentââ¬â¢s evidence supporting the fact that it was suffering financial reverses (pp. 118-136). Hence, complainantââ¬â¢s separation is valid, due to retrenchment. â⬠The Decision does not indicate theà specificà bases for such crucial holding. While ità enumeratedà some of the factors that supposedly weighed in favor of private respondentââ¬â¢s position,à i. e. , theNEAââ¬â¢s foreclosure letter; theà NPCââ¬â¢s disconnection letter; private respondentââ¬â¢s Income Statement; the fact that the employeesââ¬â¢ union agreed to the ââ¬Å"forced leaveâ⬠policy instead of the drastic measure of retrenchment; and the impossibility of reinstating the petitioners ââ¬Å"considering the financial losses for 1988 alone not to mention the losses incurred for 1989 and wage increases imposed by the government (pp. 13-141,à rollo),â⬠the public respondent nevertheless did not bother to explain how it came to the conclusion that private respondent was experiencing business reversals, nor did it specify which particular data and document it based such conclusion upon. This can only be because the private respondent failed to show convincingly by substantial evidence the fact of its failing financial health , and that such retrenchment was justified. Our observation is bolstered further by the Comment of the public respondent where it tried to rationalize its ruling by saying: ââ¬Å"It is to be noted that private respondent x x x is a big and reputable company and for them to admit that it is in distress is a bitter pill to swallow, yet they must accept the sad situation that they are in. This representation believes in the veracity of respondentââ¬â¢s x x x position. â⬠Even resorting to the records does not help. The termination letter dated October 18, 1988[20]à stated that the reason for the retrenchment was ââ¬Å"to avoid Coop financial losses. â⬠However, the imminent loss sought to be forestalled by the retrenchment of petitioners was not actually indicated or specified. Page 118 of the records is the demand letter ofà NEAà for payment of private respondentââ¬â¢s arrearages as of June 30, 1988. It warned that the account in the amount of approximately P8. 5 million should be settled within 30 days otherwiseà NEAà will exercise its right to foreclose. But the records do not show that any property of private respondent was ever foreclosed nor that the savings from the salaries of the retrenched petitioners were to be used to pay for the arrearages; neither was it shown that private respondent did not have the resources to pay said obligation. Page 119 of the records is a Notice of Disconnection stating that the private respondent was required to pay twenty five percent of its outstanding bill to theà NEAà or face power disconnection on July 29, 1988. But private respondent did not show that such disconnection was effected then nor that the allotment for petitionersââ¬â¢ salaries was to be used to pay for this bill. The private respondent in its motion for reconsideration asked that the labor arbiter take judicial notice thatà NPCà eventually disconnected its power supply on April 10, 1989, but this only means that the private respondent must have been able to pay up and settle its account on or about July 29, 1988, as it was not disconnected until April 10, 1989. By October 18, 1988, the losses, if any, sought to be proven by these documents would already have been sustained, so there could not have been any imminent loss which was to have been forestalled by the retrenchment of petitioners effected at that time. In other words, these abovementioned documents did not show any expected loss which made the retrenchment reasonably necessary, nor that such retrenchment was likely to prevent the expected loss. We do not deny that the private respondent would suffer losses as a result of a foreclosure or power disconnection, however, it failed to show how these threatened events eventually affected the cooperativeââ¬â¢s financial health, if they ever happened at all. Besides, they are irrelevant because the imminent loss was supposed to come after October 18, 1988, months after these incidents. Moreover, pages 120-136 of the records (referred to in the assailed Decision) are the financial statements of the private respondent which areà unauditedà by independent external auditors and are withoutà à à accompanying explanations. This Court has previously held that financial statements audited by independent external auditors constitute the normal method of proof of the profit and loss performance of a company. [21]à And since private respondent insists that itsà critical financial conditionà was the central and pivotal reason for its retrenchment and forced leave programs, we therefore fail to see why it should neglect or refuse to submit such audited financial statements. Apart from that, we noted that the said unaudited statements were filled with erasures; some entries were even handwritten, and different typewriters were used. There is therefore serious ground to doubt the correctness and accuracy of said statements. Additionally, these statements require further explanations before the accounting procedures of private respondent can be understood. Thus, the Court is wary of according them any probative value, especially since respondent Commission seems to have treated them in a similar fashion by not discussing them in its Decision. In brief, we hold that public respondent gravely abused its discretion in rendering the challenged Decision without adequately explaining its factual and legal How to cite Administrative Law Philippines, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
OSHA Practices in Malaysia Essay Example
OSHA Practices in Malaysia Essay OSHA Practice in Malaysia The on the job public is an of import advantage for our state consequently we ca nt bear to hold legion bad lucks in the work concern which will jeopardize our honored HR. Many persons will be influenced squarely or by deduction once the bad luck happens. The groups of the casualties will digest the loss of their friends and household and wellhead of wage. The foreman will digest the loss of an complete labourer and be compelled to retain the accidental cost because of the interfered with undertaking exercisings, expanded protection premiums and curative ingestion. The Occupational Health and Safety ( OH A ; S ) direction system specification, designed to enable organisation to command OH A ; S hazards and better their public presentation. We will write a custom essay sample on OSHA Practices in Malaysia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on OSHA Practices in Malaysia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on OSHA Practices in Malaysia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Three illustrations of OSHA that we take are in the building site, chemical mill every bit good as fabrication company. All the company set up OHS plan. An OHS plan requires a statement of the employerââ¬â¢s purposes and the duties of the employer, supervisors, and workers. This statementââ¬âcalled a policyââ¬âtypically provinces: â⬠¢ The employerââ¬â¢s committedness to the OHS plan â⬠¢ The employerââ¬â¢s committedness to protect the wellness and safety of workers â⬠¢ The purposes and precedences of the OHS plan â⬠¢ The duties of the employer, supervisors, and workers A nice well-being and security scheme are basically composed and straightforward. The composed scheme are marked by the CEO or senior supervisor on location and be dated and audited annually. All specializers ought to be made mindful of the agreement and its significance. For case, it could be given to every new labourer and posted in the work environment. We pick GAMUDA LAND as our illustration for the building site. This is on history of GAMUDA LAND is the 2nd greatest development organisation in Malaysia. Because of that separate shred, the GAMUDA LAND is genuinely a popular organisation contrast with others. They had add to an OHS undertaking to command and decrease the dangers and heighten their executing. The attack of the system contains few constituent that need all the worker, from decision maker to laborer, to give full responsibility towards the policy. The policy contains the undermentioned component: Regular review Workplace review Written direction Regular reviews of the workplace are intended to: â⬠¢ Identify conditions and insecure Acts of the Apostless with the possible to do hurt or disease â⬠¢ Determine necessary disciplinary steps â⬠¢ Prevent insecure work conditions from developing Three assorted types of reappraisals are depicted which are general, ordered work environment appraisals. This probe investigate constructions, constructions, evidences, unearthingââ¬â¢s, setups, cogwheel, hardware, and work systems and patterns for dangers that may convey about harm or complaint. The scrutiny is calendar at proper meantimes to prevent parlous conditions making. Contingent upon the work environment and the kind of hazards that may make, probes may be booked twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours, hebdomad by hebdomad, or month to month. The undermentioned probes is the gear scrutiny in which the specializers ought to be prepared to reexamine their setup, instruments, and hardware often, taking after the manufacturer s proposals. The Occupational Health and Safety Regulation may to boot hold peculiar necessities. Case in point, a raising phase must be examined by the decision maker before use on every motion. To wrap things up, the alone scrutinies. The Occupationa l Health and Safety Regulation obliges an uncommon reappraisal after a dislocation or bad luck to vouch that work does non go on until it is safe to make as such. The 2nd constituent is working environment appraisal. An probe group incorporates both laborer and disposal agents. The group ought to be acquainted with the work procedure and, at whatever point conceivable, integrated persons from the joint board or the labourer well-being and security delegate. A worksite probe docket can assist vouch that reappraisals are careful, consequences are recorded, and the assessment process is institutionalized. An docket is particularly valuable in pull offing those new to the scrutiny procedure. The docket ought to be adjusted to accommodate the demands of the work environment. Any unsafe or destructive conditions found amid a standard scrutiny ought to be accounted for quickly to the director or concern and helped every bit shortly as possible. The 3rd constituent is a composed way. Wellbeing and security, efficiency, and quality control all advantage from composed systems. Composed methods can assist fix new labourers and put up a dependable degree of work executing. A composed safe work scheme records the patterned advances in making an project firmly for case, it advises how to firmly bolt out a spot of hardware before making upkeep. Not all assignments oblige definite composed methods. Different kinds of composed guidelines may be suited. For a few projects, wellbeing issues can be tended to verbally in squad negotiations or amid fixing. Composed safe work techniques are produced all through conference with the joint board of legal guardians and labourers who carry out the business. The labourers are given extras of methodological analysis in the scope where the work action happens. In any instance, this constituent should be study at whatever point work alterations, new cogwheel is presented, or labourers return after a broadened luckless lack. Likewise, work techniques may should be balanced as the effect of proposals from a reappraisal or from an scrutiny refering an episode. The undermentioned instance we use for case in mixture processing works is SUKA CHEMICALS ( M ) SDN BHD. Chemicals have turn into an indispensable piece of human life, keeping exercisings and promotion, debaring and commanding legion illnesss, and spread outing agricultural efficiency. Notwithstanding their advantages, chemicals might, peculiarly when abused, do unfriendly impacts on human well-being and natural trustiness. Far making usage of chemicals all through the universe expands the capableness of unfavourable impacts. The organisation to boot set up an OHS plan. The well-being and security scheme contains: Risk appraisal of chemicals Information workers should cognize sing risky chemicals Labeling of risky chemical substances Chemical handling A hazard rating is merely a cautious scrutiny of what, at work, could convey approximately mischievousness to specializers. Bad lucks and ill well-being can pulverize lives and influence concern if output is lost ; setup is harmed, protection disbursals increase. All dangers in the on the job environment must be distinguished and surveyed for control steps to be put set up. Hazard rating is a process including a few phases. In the first topographic point, the danger variable ( what is insecure ) must be recognized and its well-being impacts ( what sort of injury ) portrayed. Following, the constituent of unfavourable impacts ( how injury is created ) must be illuminated and impact -changing elements described ( does the injury bend out to be reasonably much in the locality of other factor ) . The earnestness of the dangers should similarly be known on the premiss of exposureââ¬âeffect and exposureââ¬âresponse connexions ( the sum of debut causes the sum of injury ; what the protected degree is ) . At last, extrapolation is made to the word related puting to study the extent of the issue ( what figure of cases of disease ) . This process needs a multidisciplinary attempt in which the word related wellbeing physicians hold a focal place. Their committedness is indispensable for separating the hazard, for portraying its instruments, and for mensurating the danger. Hazard assessment similarly depends on different trains, for illustration, the survey of disease transmittal, penetrations, toxicology, word related cleanliness, and biotechnologies. In the context of Information workers should cognize sing risky chemicals, an employer shall, guarantee that the employee is adequately trained with respect to: â⬠¢ The contents of the ordinances for risky chemical substances â⬠¢ Potential beginning exposure to chemicals â⬠¢ Potential hazards to wellness caused by exposure â⬠¢ Potential detrimental consequence of exposure on his/her generative ability â⬠¢ Measures taken by the employer to protect employees against any hazard from exposure â⬠¢ Precautions to be taken by an employee to protect himself against the wellness hazards associated exposure â⬠¢ Correct usage, care of safety equipment, installations and technology controls â⬠¢ Importance of good housework at the workplace and personal hygiene â⬠¢ Safe working processs â⬠¢ Procedures to be followed in the event of spillages or escapes. For marker, the names on chemicals can assist acknowledge more unsafe chemicals and in add-on advise about the hazards to wellbeing and light on screening systems. Every man-made compartment ought to be lawfully recognized and grouped and littler emptying compartments ought to be unmistakably marked as to the substance of the holder. Other than that, for substance taking attention of, the considerable figure of specializers need to believe about the mixture. The laborer demand to cognize how a compound can be insecure and cause strange to organic structure furthermore the kinds of man-made that can be found in the workplace, for illustration, dust, H2O, gasses and air. The labourers ought to to boot necessitate to believe about the danger in the on the job environment and ought to hold an unmistakable agreement on what to make in the event that they un-deliberately contact with the man-made substances. The last instance that we as sample for the act of OHS is F A ; N Beverages. It is an piecing organisation in which the made enjoying H2O different canned and jugs. The organisation wellbeing system contains Training, Education, and Supervision, Hazard Identification and Risk Control, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System ( WHMIS ) and others. The achievement of an all-round created security undertaking relies on the adequateness of fixing enterprises. As indicated by the Regulation, representatives must be educated about possible hazards in the work environment and the protected work hones that they ought to take after to minimise dangers. Fixing and developing ought to get down with debut. A compelling well-being debut permits them to convey the logic of disposal or owners, security rules and ordinances, and the ways and method for turning great, good, and safe work leanings. Taking after debut, fixing ought to continue through the whole clip of career. Administration must vouch that all workers are prepared in safe work patterns and that they are lawfully regulated on a progressing premiss. Security Training Policy. It is the agreement to vouch that representative preparing is given to better worker well-being and run into administrative fixing necessities. Wellbeing fixing brings new ideas into the work environment or re-builds up desired systems for carry throughing more unafraid work rehearses. It likewise permits managers to study alternate constituents of the security plan with representatives and warrant that they are put without vacillation on a regular basis. All representatives must be prepared in safe work rehearses. As new patterns and methodological analysis develop, direction is in charge of supplying workers with farther fixing to persistently progress security and heedfulness. Directors or supervisor are obliged to give security debut to new representatives or bing workers who are traveling to another place or anothe r worksite. Heads are in charge of vouching that representatives who report to them see in the scene of representative security preparing. Supervisor are in charge of vouching the well-being and security of any specializers under their ticker. Accidents are preventable, as long a proactive attack to wellness and safety is taken. By implementing a system of hazard designation and hazard control, workplace hurts and diseases can be prevent. There are three basic stairss. The first measure is to see every country of the workplace when looking for jeopardies. Think about conditions or work activities that could set the employees or invitees at hazard. For illustration, the employees might happen jeopardies such as unguarded machinery in the kitchen or a wet floor in the front entryway of employeeââ¬â¢s workplace. Ask the staff if they have any specific wellness and safety concerns. The following measure is to measure the hazard. Once the jeopardy had been identified and measure the hazards associated with it, there are two basic inquiries to inquire when sing a jeopardy: how probably is an incident, and how serious would it be if it occurred? A hazard appraisal will assist to prioritise the jeopardies. Thus the employee kno w which 1s to cover with first. The 3rd measure is command the hazard. Once the jeopardy had been identified and assessed the hazards, the employees should look for ways to command them. The basic types of controls are riddance or permutation, technology controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment. Following is the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System ( WHMIS ) . All workplaces that use stuffs identified as risky by the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System ( WHMIS ) must follow WHMIS demands. The system uses consistent labelling to assist workers acknowledge risky stuffs, which are referred to ascontrolled merchandisesunder WHMIS. The system and labels provide specific information on handling, storing, and disposing of controlled merchandises.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
HARRIS Surname Meaning and Origin
HARRIS Surname Meaning and Origin Harris is generally considered to mean son of Harry. The given name Harry is a derivation of Henry, meaning home-ruler. Like many patronymic surnames, the surnames HARRIS and HARRISON are often found used interchangeably in early records - sometimes with the same family. Harris is the 24th most popular surname in the United States according to the 2000 census and the 22nd most common surname in England. Surname Origin: English, WelshAlternate Surname Spellings: HARRISON, HARIS, HARRIES, HARRISS, HARRYS, HARYS, HERRICE, HERRIES Fun Facts The popular Harris Tweed cloth takes its name from the Isle of Harris in Scotland. The cloth was originally handwoven by islanders on the Isles of Harris, Lewis, Uist and Barra in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, using local wool. Famous People with the Surname HARRIS Arthur Harris - Marshal Arthur Bomber Harris, Commander in Chief of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command during World War IIFranco Harris - NFL running back, Pittsburgh Steelers. Best known for his immaculate reception during a 1972 AFC divisional playoff gameBernard Harris - 1st African-American to walk in spaceJillian Harris - star of the reality TV show The Bachelorette, 5th seasonNeil Patrick Harris - American actorMary Harris - early 1900s labor organizer; best known as Mother Jones Genealogy Resources for the Surname HARRIS Harris Y-DNA Project: If you are a male and have the Harris (or a variant spelling of the) surname, then this Y-DNA project invites you to join to help establish as many Harri lines as possible.HARRIS/HARRIES/HERRIES/HARRISS Genealogy: Genealogist Glenn Gohr has compiled a nice collection of information and genealogy on Thomas Harris (c. 1586 of England and Virginia, as well as general information about the Harris surname.Harris Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Harris surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Harris query. There is also a separate forum for the HARRISON surname.FamilySearch - HARRIS Genealogy: Find records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Harris surname and its variations.HARRIS Surname Family Mailing Lists: RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Harris surname.Cousin Connect - HARRIS Genealogy Queries: Read or post genealogy queries for the su rname Harris, and sign up for free notification when new Harris queries are added. - HARRIS Genealogy Family History: Free databases and genealogy links for the last name Harris. Cant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. Sources: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Biography of Adam Smith, Founding Father of Economics
Biography of Adam Smith, Founding Father of Economics Adam Smith (June 16, 1723ââ¬âJuly 17, 1790) was a Scottish philosopher who today is considered to be the father of economics. His seminal work, The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, influenced generations of politicians, leaders, and thinkers, including Alexander Hamilton, who looked to Smiths theories when, as secretary of the treasury, he fashioned the economic system of the United States. Fast Facts: Adam Smith Known For: Father of economicsBorn: June 16, 1723 in Fife, ScotlandParents: Adam Smith, Margaret DouglasDied: July 17, 1790 in Edinburgh, ScotlandEducation: University of Glasgow, Balliol College, OxfordPublished Works: The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), The Wealth of Nations (1776)Notable Quote: Every individualâ⬠¦ neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting itâ⬠¦he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Early Years and Education Smith was born in 1723 in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, where his widowed mother raised him. At age 14, as was the usual practice, he entered the University of Glasgow on a scholarship. He later attended Balliol College at Oxford, graduating with extensive knowledge of European literature. He returned home and delivered a series of well-received lectures at Glasgow University, which appointed him first as the chair of logic in 1751 and then chair of moral philosophy in 1752. Founding Father of Economics Smith is often described as the founding father of economics. A great deal of what is now considered standard belief about the theory about markets was developed by Smith. He explained his theories in Theory of Moral Sentiments, published in 1759. In 1776, he published his masterpiece, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, which today is generally called The Wealth of Nations. In Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith developed the foundation for a general system of morals. It is a very important text in the history of moral and political thought. It provides the ethical, philosophical, psychological, and methodological underpinnings to Smiths later works. ââ¬â¹ In this work, Smith stated that man was self-interested and self-commanded. Individual freedom, according to Smith, is rooted in self-reliance, the ability of an individual to pursue his self-interest while commanding himself based on the principles of natural law. The Wealth of Nations The Wealth of Nations is actually a five-book series and considered to be the first modern work in the field of economics. Using very detailed examples, Smith attempted to reveal the nature and cause of a nations prosperity. Through his examination, he developed a critique of the economic system. Most commonly known are Smiths critique of mercantilism and his concept of the invisibleà hand, which guides economic activity. In explaining this theory, Smith stated that wealthy individuals are: ...led by anà invisible handà to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society. What led Smith to this remarkable conclusion was his recognition that wealthy people dont live in a vacuum: they need to pay (and thus feed) the individuals who grow their food, manufacture their household items, and toil as their servants. Simply put, they cant keep all the money for themselves. Smiths arguments are still used and cited today in debates. Not everyone agrees with Smiths ideas. Many see Smith as an advocate of ruthless individualism. Regardless of how Smiths ideas are viewed, The Wealth of Nations is considered to be, and is arguably, the most important book on the subject ever published. Without a doubt, it is the most seminal text in the field of free-market capitalism. Later Years and Death After living in both France and London for a time, Smith returned to Scotland in 1778 when he was appointed the commissioner of customs for Edinburgh. Smith died on July 17, 1790, in Edinburgh and was buried in the Canongate churchyard. Legacy Smiths work had a profound effect on the Americanà founding fathersà and the nations economic system. Instead of founding the United States on the idea of mercantilism and creating a culture ofà high tariffsà to protect local interests, many key leaders, includingà James Madisonà and Hamilton, espoused the ideas of free trade and limited government intervention. In fact, Hamilton, in his Report on Manufacturers espoused a number of theories first stated by Smith. These theories stressed the need to cultivate the extensive land that was available in America to create a wealth of capital through labor, distrust of inherited titles and nobility, and the establishment of a military to protect the land against foreign intrusions. Sources ââ¬Å"Adam Smith.â⬠à Econlib.Brett, Sarah, and Oxford University Press. ââ¬Å"Adam Smith (1723-90).â⬠à Oxford University Press | Online Resource Centre.Founders Online. Alexander Hamiltons Final Version of the Report on the Subject of the Manufactures.à National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives and Records Administration.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Mechanical testing of metals and polymers Assignment
Mechanical testing of metals and polymers - Assignment Example 2. Experimental Procedure: Test Equipment Material Tested Test Speed mm/min Secant Tensile Strength-Metal Universal Tensile Testing machine 0.1% C Steel 0.4%C Steel 0.8%C Steel 1.15%C Steel Tensile Strength-Plastics Universal Tensile Testing machine HDPE, PP-PE, PVC, PC, Acetal (POM), Nylon (PA66), GRN (PA66+glass fibres) 10, 50 & 500 Pendulum Impact Tests Zwick/Roell Pendulum Impact Tester Polypropylene, PVC Vickers hardness Test Vickers Testing Machine 0.1% C Steel 0.2%C Steel 0.4%C Steel 0.85%C Steel 20 Kg load for () minutes 3. Results Figure 1 Stress-Strain Curve of steel Red 0.1% C Steel Green 0.4%C Steel Blue 0.8%C Steel Orange 1.15%C Steel Fmax Fmax dL at Fmax FBreak dL at break Nr N/mm? N mm N mm 1 414.53 8302.90 6.4 2020 10.7 2 691.64 13853.22 4.9 3930 8.1 3 896.10 17948.63 4.3 6720 5.6 4 1108.75 11098.39 2.7 4030 3.4 dL = Strain Group A and B Hardness of carbon steels (load 20Kg) 1st measurement 2nd measurement 3rd measurement 0.1% Carbon 146 148 153 0.2% Carbon 166 162 17 0 0.4% Carbon 209 213 217 0.85% Carbon 255 259 251 Zwick/Roell Pendulum Impact Tester. 1-Jun-15 M/c Model No 5113. Ref No A466690. ... 2 Pendulum Impact Test of Polypropylene Series Specimen width b0 Specimen thickness a0 Cross-section Impact energy Impact energy Impact resistance Work contents n = 5 mm mm mm? J % kJ/m? J x 14.53 3.092 44.87 1.50 19.99 33.49 7.50 s 1.015 0.1564 2.759 0.12 1.65 3.07 0.00 ? 6.98 5.06 6.15 8.28 8.28 9.17 0.00 Zwick/Roell Pendulum Impact Tester. 1-Jun-15 M/c Model No 5113. Ref No A466690. Force 7.5J Material: PVC 2nd Specimen width b0 Specimen thickness a0 Cross-section Impact energy Impact energy Impact resistance Type of test, PIT Work contents Legends Nr mm mm mm? J % kJ/m? J ââ¬Å" 1 15.63 2.98 46.58 0.18 2.41 3.88 Charpy 7.50 ââ¬Å" 2 15.98 2.98 47.62 0.57 7.65 12.05 Charpy 7.50 ââ¬Å" 3 15.87 3.01 47.77 0.23 3.09 4.85 Charpy 7.50 ââ¬Å" 4 15.96 2.95 47.08 0.44 5.91 9.41 Charpy 7.50 ââ¬Å" 5 15.53 2.99 46.43 0.17 2.21 3.57 Charpy 7.50 Fig. 3 Pendulum Impact Test of PVC Series Specimen width b0 Specimen thickness a0 Cross-section Impact energy Impact energy Impact resistance Wo rk contents n = 5 mm mm mm? J % kJ/m? J x 15.79 2.982 47.1 0.32 4.25 6.75 7.50 s 0.2028 0.02168 0.5987 0.18 2.41 3.78 0.00 ? 1.28 0.73 1.27 56.62 56.62 55.96 0.00 4ET002 Thermoplastics 22-10-12 1-2 HDPE; 3-4 PP-PE; 5-7 PVC; 8-10 PC; 11-13Acetal (POM); 14-16 Nylon (PA66); 18-19 GRN (PA66+glass fibres) Nr Specimen width b0 mm Specimen thickness a0 mm S0 mm? Rp 0.2 MPa E-Modulus MPa RB MPa W up to Fmax. J W up to break J Rm MPa ? Fmax. % ? Break % Speed mm/min 1 9.96 3 30.5 16.05 1173.54 - 3.32 - 29.52 9.10 - 50 2 12.73 3.24 31 18.38 1109.57 14.54 3.14 5.04 30.76 8.42 12.11 500 3 9.86 2.98 29.88 17.66 1534.63 20.64 1.16 130.56 24.90 4.13 395.15 50 4 10.05 3.01 30.25 17.66 1425.01 19.50 1.83 52.05 25.46 5.77
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Superstitions of the Elizabethan Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Superstitions of the Elizabethan Era - Essay Example Fear of the supernatural and man's anxiety about the nature of God during this period promoted the belief in superstition. A central figure in the superstitions of the Elizabethan era was the witch. The belief that witches were largely responsible for bringing bad events to a community brought out the superstition that they were able to fly and had magical powers. Though superstition was officially discounted by the royalty as a belief of the commoners, in 1562 Queen Elizabeth I passed a severe law against witches that led to widespread witch hunts and the persecution of anyone believed to be involved with witchcraft (Elizabethan Superstitions). These harsh actions may have been the result of the severe weather beginning in 1562 in Europe (Behringer). The public was looking for someone to blame for the hailstorms and frigid weather and during this period, weather making was "the most important charge against suspected witches" (Behringer). This superstition is carried over today with the fear of anyone who has 'a dark cloud hanging over them'. Superstition was often thought to be the property of the more ignorant classes, and most of the fear was directed at that class. However, Holliday notes that, "[...] even though the upper class discount the stories of the commoners, they themselves were taught the same stories. Most upper class families hired lower class nurses for the early rearing of their children". The stories were the primary method of education and were rich with superstition and witchcraft. Often passed along by the old wives to the children, this became the origin of the often-used phrase 'old wives tale' that is still in use today. Though the subject of superstition may be viewed as rather innocuous, during the time of Elizabeth it was a serious subject. During that period almost 250 witches were executed, mostly poor single women who lived alone (Elizabethan Superstition). Many superstitions that are harbored today have been carried over from the Elizabethan period and many were founded in some realm of truth. Spilling salt was considered bad luck during the Elizabethan period and this attitude was passed on to children. This belief had a practical use as the cost of salt was high and the desire for it was great (Elizabethan Superstitions). It was also believed that witches could brew magic potions. In fact, many elixirs, potions, and cures were brewed from herbs then and still are today. Usually herbs would have a particular lore that went with their possession. Mandrake, often used in rituals, was known to grow under gallows and was said to have, "shrieked so horribly that uprooted anyone hearing it would go mad" (Simpson and Roud, 224). The present day superstition that makes walking under a ladder unlucky is also traced to the Elizabethan era. Ladders were associated with hangings and executions and were naturally seen as a bad omen (Elizabethan Su perstitions). Often times, superstition would involve objects found in nature. According to Simpson and Roud, "The cuckoo's habit of laying eggs in the nests of other birds explains why its cry was regarded, in medieval and Elizabethan times, as mocking cuckold
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Author to her Book: An Annotation of Bradstreet Essay -- Authors A
The Author to her Book: An Annotation of Bradstreet Anne Bradstreet's poem, The Author to her Book, is a twenty-four-line metaphor comparing the relationship of an author and her writings to the relationship between a parent and a child. The meaning of this lighthearted poem can clearly be seen as she traces the growth of a piece of work to the growth of the child. The significance of the poem, however, lies in the fact that this poem is a glimpse of the emotions felt by Anne Bradstreet an American female poet, and how it conflicts with the puritan society that frowns upon her appreciation of her talents and role as a poet. To clearly see all aspects that surround the interpretation of her poetry it is necessary to look at biographical information surrounding the life of Anne Bradstreet. Background knowledge gained previous to writing this annotation can be found at The lines below are annotated to explain how Bradstreet develops her metaphor as well as how it relates specifically to her life. The Author to her Book Anne Bradstreet Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth didst by my side remain, Till snatched from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad, exposed to public view, Made thee in rags, halting to th' press to trudge, Where errors were not lessened (all may judge). At thy return my blushing was not small, My rambling brat (in print) should mother call, I cast thee by as one unfit for light, Thy visage was so irksome in my sight; Yet being mine own, at length affection would Thy blemishes amend, if so I could: I washed thy face, but more defects I saw, And r... ...roduced a piece of work and even though she may be wealthy through her husband, she is poor, and like any poet wants to profit from what she has created. Bradstreet is often titled as the first American poet. This title is a hard one to determine, not only because it is difficult to say who is first, but because it is hard to decide what makes a poet American. Since the colonies were founded many poets were writing on American soil, so does that make them American poets? It does not seem right to allow them such an honor if they still conform to European styles. Anne Bradstreet, however, earns the title because she makes the transition from being English and living in America, to being American. The shift is described in The Author to her Book, where she disturbs her European roles as a Puritan and a woman, and comes out looking, instead, the part of an American.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Mental Health Counseling: Integrating Consultation
Abstract With the meshing of consultation and advocacy, mental health counselors can both assist in dealing with the issues that their clients face personally, but also help to make better the world around them. In order to respond to the thesis questions presented in this paper, we must first define consultation and social justice advocacy within the counseling context. Typically, consultation means a general meeting or conference between parties.In the counseling context however, we can say that it ââ¬Å"usually involves three parties: a consultant, a consultee, and a client system. The consultant delivers direct service to the consultee, who delivers direct service to a client systemâ⬠(Doherty, 1990). Consultation for professional counselors typically involves acting on behalf of an identified client (or student) through interaction with another professional consultee or other stakeholder in the clientââ¬â¢s welfare (Brown, Pryzwansky, & Schulte, 2010; Kampwirth, 2006; K urpius & Fuqua, 1993).The consultee may also be conceptualized as a system or organization that serves an identified client or student population (Brown et al. , 2010; Moe & Perera-Diltz, 2009). With these definitions, a counseling consultant relationship could be thought of as a chain of assistance in dealing with client issues. Advocacy, typically in regards to social justice, is a way in which a change is brought into society. In a historical context, the mental health reforms that Clifford Beers brought about in the late 1800s were an impactful form of social advocacy.Beers launched one of the earliest client-advocate health reform movements in the United States. A former patient who was institutionalized for three years, Beers led national and international efforts to improve institutional care, challenge the stigma of mental illness, and promote mental health. His efforts resulted in a major shift in attitudes toward mental illness, as well as the introduction of guidance coun selors in US schools and the inclusion of evidence of a defendant's psychological state in law courts (Parry, 2010).Consultation and social justice advocacy may not be exactly similar, but they can be used as cohesive tools that counselors use in order to help their clients. Though scholars continue to identify concerns regarding how the specific nature and scope of social justice advocacy for counselors will be defined (Nelson-Jones, 2002; Roysircar, 2009; Weinrach & Thomas, 2004), in 2003 the American Counseling Association (ACA) endorsed the creation and publication of the Advocacy Competencies (Lewis et al. , 2003) for professional counselors.Along with the publication of this special issue, scholarship has focused on making the case for social justice (Prilletensky & Prilletensky, 2003; Vera & Speight, 2003), and on synthesizing the social justice counseling paradigm with other key counseling perspectives such as multicultural theory (Constantine et al. , 2007; Crethar et al. , 2008) and school counseling (Bemak & Chung, 2008; Dahir & Stone, 2009). The idea of meshing consultation with social advocacy is prudent because we as counselors should work not only to better the lives of our clients but of the world around them.There seems to be an obvious association with mental health and the groups to which social justice advocacy is most needed. Negative experiences of historically marginalized groups can lead to psychological dysfunction and an overall decline in mental health (Chang, Hays, & Milliken, 2009). The American Counseling Associationââ¬â¢s Code of Ethics states that counselors should ââ¬Å"recognize historical and social prejudices in the misdiagnosis and pathologizing of certain individuals and groups and the role of mental health professionals in perpetuating these prejudices through diagnosis and treatment. The need for counselors to integrate social justice advocacy with consultation stems from the fact that much of the clientele that is s eeking out mental health services have suffered in some form or another from social injustice(s). It is imperative in cases like this that a balance is made between providing both consultation and advocacy to our clients. In working with populations that have experienced social injustices such as poverty, racial intimidations, abuse, etc. t is the responsibility of the counselor to be the voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Practices such as collaborating with multiple stakeholder groups and identifying institutional polices that may promote marginalization of vulnerable community members are used by both consultants (Brown, 1993; Kampwirth, 2006) and advocates (Vera & Speight, 2003). While it is important to understand the social injustices that many clients face, it is also critical to know exactly why these injustices occur.It is also important that counselors attempt to change the structures that are responsible for the oppression of mental health clients. This s ocial justice movement is sometimes referred to as professional counselingââ¬â¢s fifth force (Ratts, Dââ¬â¢Andrea, & Arredondo, 2004)ââ¬âin other words advocacy counseling. Counseling is indeed an effective and powerful tool in helping the less fortunate with their problems. However, counseling by itself is cannot be used to advance clientsââ¬â¢ wellbeing. There must be an interlocking of counseling, consultation and social advocacy.That is, the oppressed clientele would greatly benefit from outside consultants that have the capability of promoting change within the corrosive environments in which they live. Authors Ratts and Hutchins (2009) have also highlighted how counselors-as advocates often adopt the role of consultant to promote empowerment of clients and students (Moe, Perera-Diltz, Sepulveda, 2010). Advocacy can play an important role in many aspects of alleviating the plight of the oppressed population of mental health clients.For example, advocacy can assist in supporting equitable access to needed medical services. It can also help to reduce the discrimination experienced by consumers within the health care system by facilitating communication with health care providers and by addressing any prejudicial beliefs health care providers may hold. Finally, advocates can assist consumers in addressing any discrimination that they may experience within the health care system (Stylianos & Kehyayan, 2012).If not for the advocacy of interest groups, doctors, nurses, patients, politicians, etc. the recent healthcare system changes may never have been signed into law which would have left millions still without access to affordable healthcare coverage or being denied access for discriminatory reasons. If a client does not have health insurance or the means to pay for services, a consultant could be utilized as a third party source in order to help the client have access to mental health services.Consultants in this situation could range from a soc ial worker, a career counselor or welfare office. The importance of childrenââ¬â¢s mental health in early development has long been documented, and many advocates have made impassioned pleas for additional resources for both children and their parents during the early years. A hypothetical program in which a mental health counselor could serve both as a consultant and an advocate would be to have counselors readily available to under privileged pre-school children in an outside child-care setting.The counselors could serve as a means of providing intervention of serious future problems that these children may have as they mature. These counselors can also help teachers and parents deal with issues of challenging behavior or even learning disabilities. The function of a mental health counselor that is serving as a consultant in this type of surrounding would be very different than they typical one-to-one therapy that usually occurs between counselor and client.The role of a consul tant in this sort of program would be to work as a team with a child-care center staff to recognize and deal with difficult behaviors and/or learning behaviors successfully. They would also serve as coach or mentor to families dealing with challenging issues at home and could help them access quality behavioral health services outside of the pre-school setting. In regards to social advocacy in this hypothetical program, emphasis can be made on the lack of healthcare afforded to children. According to a report from the U.S. Surgeon General, current estimates of children that are not being provided health care services are vast: ââ¬Å"one in five children is estimated to have a mental health problem that impairs functioning, while less than half of all children and one third of adults with a diagnosable mental disorder receive any kind of servicesâ⬠. Inadequate finances from families of mentally ill children can be a main reason that children go without quality mental health ser vices. Another cause can be attributed to the stigma surrounding mental illness.This can ring exceptionally true among low-income families and minorities. To erase this type of stigma, it may be helpful for a mental health consultant in this type of program to ease into the role of therapist as one-to-one counseling may be too overwhelming for those who come into the process with a set of preconceived beliefs. They could offer classes on how to deal with a childââ¬â¢s difficult behavior or problem specific support groups such as a group for single parents learning to deal with their childââ¬â¢s emotions.The job of a mental health counselor is rewarding in that it offers scores of opportunities to impact the lives of others, not just through one-to-one counseling but also through being the voice of the less fortunate through consultation and advocacy. A dedicated counselor should not only provide a sympathetic ear for a client to speak to, but should also take advantage of thei r power to promote real change for those who really need it.By incorporating both consultation and advocacy into a counselorââ¬â¢s course of action into the treatment plans of their clients, both counselor and client will build an even stronger rapport than thought possible. References Bemak, F. , & Chi-Yi Chung, R. (2008). New professional roles and advocacy strategies for school counselors: A multicultural/social justice perspective to move beyond the nice counselor syndrome. Journal of Counseling & Development, 86, 372-381. Brown, D. , Pryzwansky, W. , & Schulte, A. (2010).Psychological consultation and collaboration: Introduction to theory and practice (7th ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson. Chang, C. Y. , Hays, D. G. , & Milliken, T. F. (2009). Addressing social justice issues in supervision: A call for client and professional advocacy. The Clinical Supervisor, 28, 20-35. doi: 10. 1080/07325220902855144 Constantine, M. , Hage, S. , Kindaichi, M. , & Bryant, R. (2007). Social justic e and multicultural issues: Implications for the practice and training of counselors and counseling psychologists.Journal of Counseling & Development, 85, 24-29. Crethar, H. , Torres Rivera, E. , & Nash, S. (2008). In search of common threads: Linking multicultural, feminist, and social justice counseling paradigms. Journal of Counseling & Development, 86, 269-278. Dahir, C. , & Stone, C. (2009). School counselor accountability: The path to social justice and systemic change. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87, 12-20. Dougherty, A. M. (1990). Consultation: Practice and perspectives. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Kampwirth, T. J. (2006).Collaborative consultation in the schools. (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Kurpius, D. , & Fuqua, D. (1993). Fundamental issues in defining consultation. Journal of Counseling & Development, 71, 598-600. Lewis, J. , Arnold, M. , House, R. , & Toporek R. (2003). Advocacy Competencies. Retrieved from www. counseling. org/Counselors. Mental H ealth: A Report of the Surgeon General, U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, pgs. 76ââ¬â77. Moe, J. , & Perera-Diltz, D. (2009). An overview of systemic-organizational consultation for professional counselors.Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, , 27, 27-37. Nelson-Jones, R. (2002). Diverse goals for multicultural counselling and therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15, 133-144. Parry, Manon. (2010) From a Patient's Perspective: Clifford Whittingham Beers' Work to Reform Mental Health Services. American Journal of Public Health, 100(12). 2356-7. Prilleltensky, I. , & Prilleltensky, O. (2003). Synergies for wellness and liberation in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 31, 273-281. Ratts, M. J. , Dââ¬â¢Andrea, M. & Arredondo, P. (2004, July). Social justice counseling: Fifth force in counseling. Counseling Today, 28-30. Roysircar, G. (2009). The big picture of advocacy: Counselor, heal society and thyself. Journal of Counseling & Dev elopment, 87, 288-294. Stylianos, S. & Kehyayan, V. (2012) Advocacy: Critical Component in a Comprehensive Mental Health System. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82(1). Vera, E. , & Speight, S. (2003). Multicultural competence, social justice, and counseling psychology: Expanding our roles. The Counseling Psychologist, 31, 253-272.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Parental Violence and Youth Sports Essay - 2176 Words
Participating in a sport at an early age can be essential to the overall growth process during a childââ¬â¢s upbringing. Whether the participation is through some sort of organized league or just getting together amongst friends and playing, the lessons learned from this can help teach these kids and provide a positive message to them as they develop. There is a certain point, however, when organized sports can hinder progress, which is when adults get too involved and forget about the underlying reason to why they are helping. While adult involvement is necessary, adult involvement can sometimes send the wrong message to children when they try to make participation become more than just about fun and learning. According to Coakleyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This all changed once legislation was passed requiring equal opportunities for girls (Coakley, p. 125). Coakley (2009) then goes on to identify five major changes that were vital to the growth of organized sports. The first change was because more families had two parents working, which created the need for adult supervision. This contributed to the growth because more parents felt it was beneficial to enroll their children in some sort of sport or activity. The next change he identifies is the idea of the ââ¬Å"good parentâ⬠, which means that they know where their children are at all moments. By allowing them to engage in organized activity, they knew their childrenââ¬â¢s whereabouts. The third change is the belief that child-organized activities lead to trouble. Keeping them out of trouble by placing them in sport was the best way to control this. The fourth change Coakley stated was that organized sports were essential to protecting children from the outside world. They believed that the world outside the home was a dangerous place for their children because of all the negative events shown in the media, and the only way to combat this was to place them in sport. Lastly, the final change he identified is the visibility of professional sports in society. Children were able to replicate the actions of these athletes through sport and it gave them incentive toShow MoreRelatedHow to Handle Violence in Youth Sports1498 Words à |à 6 Pagesenjoy themselves. Sideline rage with parents behaving badly at youth sports events is such an epidemic, that 76% of respondents from 60 high school athletic associations said increased spectator interference is causing many officials to quit (Associated Press, 6/3/01). Parents are supposed to be role models, and the lessons they teach will determine their values and actions in the future. These days violence in childrens sports is not limited to the playing field; overbearing parents are creatingRead MoreParent Violence in Sports935 Words à |à 4 PagesCauses of Parent Violence in Athletics In towns across the nation youth sports is being changed by one thing, violent parents. 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